Future First Criminal Law

Arizona Lawyers Dedicated to DUI & Criminal Law

Positively Impacting Lives Through Effective Legal Advocacy

Top-Rated Arizona Defense Lawyers Dedicated to DUI and Criminal Law

Positively Impacting Lives Through Effective Legal Advocacy

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Empowering Defense Strategies for Individuals Accused of Domestic Violence

Why You Need Domestic Violence Defense in Arizona

Charged with Domestic Violence? Future First Criminal Law can Help!

Blog Domestic Violence Future First Criminal Law

From Accusation to Resolution: Unmasking the Hidden Toll of Domestic Violence Charges

Imagine the shock of waking up to accusations of domestic violence, plunging into a legal abyss that feels like a waking nightmare. Your mind races with questions: How did this happen? What will happen to my family? How will this affect my job? Unfortunately, this harrowing scenario is far from rare. Statistics paint a grim picture, revealing millions ensnared in the web of domestic violence charges annually. The repercussions extend far beyond courtrooms, affecting every facet of your life—from personal relationships and employment opportunities to your mental health and future prospects.

The mere accusation can tarnish your reputation, leading to judgment from those around you and feelings of isolation and despair. You might feel like the world is closing in, with each passing day bringing new challenges and uncertainties. Legal documents, court dates, and the fear of severe penalties loom large, creating an overwhelming sense of dread.


Proactive Defense Against Failure to Comply Charges in Arizona ARS 28-622

But amidst the darkness, there’s hope. You don’t have to face this nightmare alone. With the right support and guidance, you can navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge stronger on the other side. Journey with us as we illuminate the hidden costs of these charges and unveil strategies to navigate this daunting landscape with newfound confidence. We’ll show you how to protect your rights, minimize the impact on your life, and reclaim your future. Scroll down to uncover the truth and discover the steps you can take to fight back.

Don’t let fear and uncertainty control your future. Reach out to our experienced legal team today for a free phone consultation. Let us guide you through this challenging time and help you secure the best possible outcome. Your future is worth fighting for, and we’re here to stand by your side every step of the way.

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Consequences of Domestic Violence Charges

Immediate Legal Consequences

Firstly, the accusation alone can result in a restraining order, sometimes issued within hours. This can restrict you from returning to your home or having contact with the alleged victim, which might include your children. The legal system moves quickly in these cases to protect all parties involved, which can feel like you’re guilty until proven innocent.

Long-Term Legal Implications

If the charges lead to a conviction, the consequences are even more significant. Depending on the severity, you could face fines, mandatory counseling, community service, or even jail time. Beyond the immediate penalties, a domestic violence conviction can permanently mar your criminal record, complicating future job searches, housing applications, and even educational opportunities.

Impact on Personal Relationships

Domestic violence charges can dramatically alter personal relationships. Friends and family may distance themselves, not fully understanding the situation or how to support you. If children are involved, your relationship with them could be affected long term, especially if the court restricts visitation rights.

Professional and Social Consequences

On the professional front, a domestic violence charge can lead to job loss or hinder future career prospects, as many employers conduct background checks. Socially, the stigma associated with domestic violence can isolate you from community networks, affecting your social life and mental health.

Financial Strain

The costs of defending against domestic violence charges can be considerable. Legal fees, court costs, and lost wages, if you’re unable to work during this time, can all add up, creating significant financial pressure.

Navigating the Accusation

  • Understand Your Rights: It’s vital to know your legal rights and the details of any orders or conditions set against you.
  • Seek Support: Finding a knowledgeable advocate, whether a legal advisor who understands the intricacies of domestic violence law or a support group, can provide guidance.
  • Stay Informed: Keep informed about the legal process and potential outcomes so you can make educated decisions about your case.
  • Manage Your Well-being: This is a stressful time, and taking care of your mental and emotional health is as important as managing the legal aspects.

Facing domestic violence charges is undoubtedly challenging, but understanding the potential implications and preparing accordingly can help you navigate this difficult time. Remember, information is your ally, and seeking professional advice early can make a significant difference in managing the outcome of your case.


Decoding the Legal Maze

Understanding the Basics: What Are Domestic Violence Charges?

Domestic violence charges encompass a range of offenses that involve harm or a threat of harm between individuals in a domestic setting, such as spouses, partners, or family members. This can include physical abuse, emotional abuse, threats, and more. The charges can be filed following police reports, complaints from individuals, or even observations by third parties.

Domestic violence is charged as either a misdemeanor or felony offense, depending on the severity of the incident, and is punishable by imprisonment. If you have been charged with domestic violence, you should strongly consider speaking with our experienced legal team who has experience in domestic violence cases in Maricopa County to understand your rights and possible defense strategies.

The Initial Steps in the Legal Process – Once charges are filed, the legal process begins to unfold rapidly:

  • Order of Protection: Often, courts issue restraining orders to protect the alleged victim. This might restrict you from contacting them or returning to your shared home.
  • Arrest and Arraignment: If arrested, you’ll soon face arraignment where the charges against you will be formally read, and you’ll have the opportunity to enter a plea.

Navigating the Court System – The court system can be perplexing, especially if you’re unfamiliar with its workings. Here’s what typically happens:

  • Pre-Trial Proceedings: This stage may involve hearings, where evidence is presented to determine if the case should proceed to trial.
  • Trial: If the case moves forward, during the trial, both sides will present their evidence and arguments. It’s a critical stage where the facts of the case are scrutinized.
  • Sentencing: If convicted, the sentencing phase will determine the penalties you’ll face, which could range from fines, court-ordered classes and community service to imprisonment.

Strategies for Managing Your Case

  • Education is Key: Understand the charges against you and the potential outcomes. Knowledge is your best defense.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of all interactions related to your case, including legal documents, court notices, and communications.
  • Professional Guidance: Consult with our legal team who can help navigate the legal intricacies. Choosing someone who understands the sensitive nature of domestic violence cases can be beneficial.
  • Support Systems: Lean on personal support systems or seek out support groups for individuals in similar situations.

Decoding the legal maze of domestic violence charges requires a clear understanding of the law, a strategic approach to managing your case, and the right support network. While the path may seem complex, with the right information and guidance, you can navigate this challenging period more effectively and work toward a resolution that safeguards your future. We are here to help.


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The Price Tag of Defense


Managing Finances Amidst Domestic Violence Allegations

Facing charges of domestic violence can be both emotionally and financially draining. It’s crucial to understand the costs involved—not just to prepare your wallet but to strategize your defense effectively. In this guide, we’ll unpack the various expenses associated with defending against a domestic violence charge and explore some strategies to manage these costs without compromising the quality of your defense.

Understanding Direct Costs – When it comes to legal defense, there are several direct costs that you need to be aware of:

  • Lawyer Fees: These can vary widely based on the complexity of your case, the experience of the lawyer, and geographic location. Defense lawyers may charge flat fees for straightforward cases or hourly rates for more complex situations.
  • Court Fees: Filing motions, obtaining copies of court documents, and other procedural steps typically involve fees that can add up.
  • Bail Costs: If bail is set and you choose to post it, this is an immediate cost that you may be able to recover at the end of your case, provided all court appearances are made as required. Please visit our Bail Basics Page.

Indirect Costs That Add Up – Beyond the direct payments, there are indirect costs associated with domestic violence charges that can impact your finances:

  • Lost Wages: Court appearances, meetings with your lawyer, and time spent on trial can all lead to missed work and lost income.
  • Impact on Employment: Long-term, a domestic violence charge can jeopardize your current job and future career opportunities, especially if your work involves licenses or clearances that can be affected by a criminal record.
  • Personal Relationships: The strain on personal relationships can also have indirect economic consequences, especially if going through a separation or divorce as a result of the charges.

Strategies to Manage Defense Costs

  • Choose the Right Representation: It might be tempting to go with the least expensive lawyer, but consider the long-term implications of your choice. Sometimes, investing in skilled representation can save you money by more effectively navigating plea deals, reducing bail, or even getting charges dropped.
  • Budgeting: Set up a clear budget accounting for all anticipated costs. This can help prevent surprises and ensure you can cover necessary expenses throughout the legal process.
  • Public Defenders: If you cannot afford private counsel, you may be eligible for a public defender. While they are often managing large caseloads, many are highly skilled and dedicated lawyers.
  • Legal Aid Societies: Look for nonprofit organizations that offer legal assistance to those who can’t afford it. They sometimes provide services based on income level.
  • Payment Plans: At Future First we offer payment plans and loans allowing you to spread out the cost of legal fees over time, making the financial burden more manageable. Ask for details during your free phone consultation.

Understanding the financial implications of defending against a domestic violence charge is critical. By being proactive about managing costs and making informed choices about your legal representation, you can protect your financial well-being while mounting a robust defense. Remember, while the costs can be significant, the potential consequences of a conviction are far more substantial, making it imperative to approach your defense strategically. Please visit our “Ways to Pay for a Lawyer” Page.

Beyond the Headlines

Navigating the Social Stigma of Domestic Violence Allegations

When facing domestic violence allegations, the legal battles are just one aspect of the challenge. Equally significant is the social stigma that accompanies such accusations. In this guide, we’ll delve into the complexities of this stigma, offering insights and strategies to help you navigate this difficult terrain with understanding and resilience, without any overt solicitation.

Understanding the Stigma – Domestic violence allegations can carry significant social repercussions:

  • Judgment and Misconceptions: Society often harbors misconceptions about domestic violence, leading to judgment and assumptions about the accused.
  • Isolation and Alienation: Friends, family, and community members may distance themselves from individuals facing such allegations, fearing association or misunderstanding the situation.
  • Career and Reputation: The stigma can extend to professional realms, potentially impacting employment opportunities, career advancement, and overall reputation.

Coping Strategies – Dealing with social stigma requires a combination of self-care and strategic approaches:

  • Seek Support: Surround yourself with understanding and empathetic individuals who can provide a supportive network during this challenging time.
  • Educate Others: Take opportunities to educate friends, family, and colleagues about the complexities of domestic violence and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
  • Focus on Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote mental and emotional well-being, such as therapy, hobbies, exercise, or mindfulness practices.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with a therapist or counselor who specializes in navigating social stigma and its effects on mental health.

Addressing Misconceptions – Combating social stigma involves challenging misconceptions and fostering empathy:

  • Humanize the Situation: Share your personal story, if comfortable, to humanize the experience and dispel stereotypes.
  • Promote Understanding: Advocate for greater awareness and understanding of the complexities of domestic violence, including the dynamics of abusive relationships and the nuances of legal proceedings.

Building Resilience – Ultimately, resilience is key to weathering the social stigma associated with domestic violence allegations:

Focus on Personal Growth – Use this challenging time as an opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and personal development.

Find Strength in Community – Connect with support groups or online communities of individuals who have experienced similar challenges, offering solidarity and shared experiences.

While facing social stigma can be daunting, it’s essential to remember that you are not defined by the allegations against you. By employing coping strategies, challenging misconceptions, and fostering resilience, you can navigate the social stigma of domestic violence allegations with grace and resilience. Remember, your worth and dignity remain intact, regardless of societal perceptions. Call to speak with a member of our legal team.

Strategies for Resilience

Strategies for Resilience: Navigating Through the Storm

Navigating the emotional turmoil that comes with domestic violence allegations can be one of the most challenging periods in anyone’s life. These charges don’t just bring legal battles; they also usher in a storm of emotional and psychological stress that can affect every part of your daily life. This article aims to provide a roadmap through the tumultuous emotional landscape you may find yourself in, offering support and guidance without the pressure of a legal pitch.

Understanding Your Emotional Reactions – First and foremost, it’s normal to experience a wide range of intense emotions:

  • Shock and Disbelief: Initially, you might find it hard to believe that these allegations have been made against you.
  • Anger: It’s common to feel anger towards the accuser or the legal system that seems to be upending your life.
  • Fear and Anxiety: Concerns about the future, the potential of a tarnished reputation, or the possibility of incarceration can cause significant anxiety.
  • Depression: The ongoing stress and uncertainty can lead to depression, making it difficult to handle daily tasks or to stay motivated.

Strategies to Manage Emotional Stress – Dealing with these feelings requires conscious effort and strategies that focus on stability and health:

  • Seek Professional Help: Consulting with a therapist or counselor who specializes in legal stress can be invaluable. They provide a safe space to express your feelings and offer strategies to cope with emotional distress.
  • Establish a Support Network: Lean on friends and family who understand what you’re going through. Their support can be a lifeline during tough times.
  • Stay Physically Active: Physical activity is a proven stress reliever. Whether it’s daily walks, joining a gym, or playing a sport, find an activity that helps release tension.
  • Maintain a Routine: Keeping a regular schedule can provide a sense of normalcy amidst chaos. Try to maintain your usual routines in work, meals, and sleep as much as possible.
  • Limit Exposure to Triggers: Avoid situations or discussions that might exacerbate your stress. This includes monitoring your use of social media, which can often be a source of stress.

Communicating Effectively During This Time – Communication can be particularly tricky in such sensitive situations:

  • Legal Communication: Speak with your legal counsel openly about your case; they’re there to guide you through the intricacies of the law.
  • Personal Communication: When talking to friends or family, it’s okay to set boundaries about what you are comfortable discussing regarding the legal proceedings.

Preparing for the Long Haul – Dealing with domestic violence allegations is often not a quick process. Preparing yourself mentally and emotionally for a long legal battle is crucial:

  • Educate Yourself: Understanding the legal process can demystify some of your fears and help you feel more in control.
  • Stay Engaged: While it might be tempting to withdraw, staying engaged with your defense and your personal life can contribute positively to your mental health.

Facing allegations of domestic violence is undeniably tough, but you don’t have to navigate this storm alone. Understanding the emotional journey, implementing coping strategies, and seeking appropriate support can make a significant difference in your ability to manage this challenging time. Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as addressing the legal aspects of your case. We are here to help you. Contact Us Now!

Beyond the Headlines

Navigating the Social Stigma of Domestic Violence Allegations

When facing domestic violence allegations, the legal battles are just one aspect of the challenge. Equally significant is the social stigma that accompanies such accusations. In this guide, we’ll delve into the complexities of this stigma, offering insights and strategies to help you navigate this difficult terrain with understanding and resilience, without any overt solicitation.

Understanding the Stigma – Domestic violence allegations can carry significant social repercussions:

  • Judgment and Misconceptions: Society often harbors misconceptions about domestic violence, leading to judgment and assumptions about the accused.
  • Isolation and Alienation: Friends, family, and community members may distance themselves from individuals facing such allegations, fearing association or misunderstanding the situation.
  • Career and Reputation: The stigma can extend to professional realms, potentially impacting employment opportunities, career advancement, and overall reputation.

Coping Strategies – Dealing with social stigma requires a combination of self-care and strategic approaches:

  • Seek Support: Surround yourself with understanding and empathetic individuals who can provide a supportive network during this challenging time.
  • Educate Others: Take opportunities to educate friends, family, and colleagues about the complexities of domestic violence and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
  • Focus on Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote mental and emotional well-being, such as therapy, hobbies, exercise, or mindfulness practices.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with a therapist or counselor who specializes in navigating social stigma and its effects on mental health.

Addressing Misconceptions – Combating social stigma involves challenging misconceptions and fostering empathy:

  • Humanize the Situation: Share your personal story, if comfortable, to humanize the experience and dispel stereotypes.
  • Promote Understanding: Advocate for greater awareness and understanding of the complexities of domestic violence, including the dynamics of abusive relationships and the nuances of legal proceedings.

Building Resilience – Ultimately, resilience is key to weathering the social stigma associated with domestic violence allegations:

Focus on Personal Growth – Use this challenging time as an opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and personal development.

Find Strength in Community – Connect with support groups or online communities of individuals who have experienced similar challenges, offering solidarity and shared experiences.

While facing social stigma can be daunting, it’s essential to remember that you are not defined by the allegations against you. By employing coping strategies, challenging misconceptions, and fostering resilience, you can navigate the social stigma of domestic violence allegations with grace and resilience. Remember, your worth and dignity remain intact, regardless of societal perceptions. Call to speak with a member of our legal team.

Rising Above Adversity

Finding Hope and Renewal After Facing Domestic Violence Allegations

When confronted with domestic violence allegations, the road ahead may seem bleak and uncertain. However, it’s essential to recognize that amidst the turmoil, there is hope for healing and renewal. In this guide, we’ll explore strategies and insights to help you navigate the aftermath of domestic violence allegations, fostering hope and renewal in the face of adversity, without any overt solicitation.

Acknowledging Your Emotions – It’s natural to experience a wide range of emotions after facing domestic violence allegations:

    • Shock and Denial: Initially, you may feel disbelief and denial that such allegations have been made against you.
    • Anger and Frustration: Anger towards the situation, the accuser, or the legal system is common and understandable.
    • Grief and Sadness: You may mourn the loss of trust, reputation, and the life you once knew.
    • Fear and Anxiety: Concerns about the future and the potential consequences of the allegations can be overwhelming.

Finding Support and Connection – Seeking support from trusted individuals can provide comfort and strength during this challenging time:

    • Friends and Family: Lean on supportive friends and family members who offer empathy, understanding, and a listening ear.
    • Support Groups: Joining support groups or seeking counseling can provide a safe space to share experiences, receive validation, and gain coping strategies.
    • Legal Counsel: Consulting with a qualified attorney who specializes in domestic violence cases can offer legal guidance and representation, alleviating some of the burdens you may face.

Cultivating Self-Compassion – It’s crucial to treat yourself with kindness and compassion as you navigate this difficult journey:

    • Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or creative outlets.
    • Forgive Yourself: Release any guilt or self-blame you may carry. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and self-forgiveness is an essential part of the healing process.

Embracing Growth and Renewal – Despite the challenges, facing domestic violence allegations can also be an opportunity for personal growth and renewal:

    • Learn and Grow: Reflect on the experiences and lessons learned from this ordeal, using them as catalysts for personal growth and positive change.
    • Rediscover Your Strength: Recognize the resilience and strength within yourself that have enabled you to endure and persevere through difficult times.
    • Forge a New Path: Use this experience as a springboard to create a new narrative for yourself, one grounded in resilience, authenticity, and hope for the future.

While facing domestic violence allegations is undoubtedly challenging, it’s essential to remember that healing and renewal are possible. By acknowledging your emotions, seeking support, practicing self-compassion, and embracing growth, you can find hope and renewal on the journey towards healing and recovery. Remember, you are not defined by the allegations against you, and there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are here for you. Call to speak with a member of our legal team.

Protectors of Your Rights

The Vital Role We at Future First Criminal Law Play in Domestic Violence Cases

When facing domestic violence charges, the importance of legal representation cannot be overstated. The complexities and ramifications of such allegations make navigating the legal system particularly challenging. This article aims to demystify the role of a legal representative in these cases, offering insights into how crucial they are in ensuring fairness and justice, without sounding like a sales pitch.

Why Our Legal Representation is Crucial

  • Expert Navigation through Legal Procedures – The legal landscape is fraught with intricate laws and procedures that can be bewildering to anyone without a legal background. Future First Criminal Law knows the ins and outs of the system, from filing the right motions to handling intricate legal procedures, ensuring that your case is managed correctly from start to finish.
  • Protection of Legal Rights – One of the fundamental roles of our lawyers is to protect your rights throughout the legal process. This includes making sure that you’re treated fairly under the law, your side of the story is heard, and your case is presented with the utmost diligence and care.
  • Mitigation of Consequences: The outcomes of a domestic violence charge can be severe, ranging from restraining orders to significant legal penalties or even incarceration. Future First will fight to mitigate these consequences, aiming to reduce penalties or possibly get charges dropped altogether, depending on the evidence and circumstances.

The Role of Our Lawyers in Building Your Defense

  • Gathering and Analyzing Evidence: A critical component of your defense involves gathering evidence that supports your side of the story. This may include collecting documentary evidence, finding witnesses, and crafting a strategy that accurately represents the facts of the case.
  • Strategy Development: Every case is unique, and we will develop a strategy that best suits the specifics of your situation. Whether it’s negotiating for lesser charges or preparing for a trial, our strategic planning is indispensable.
  • Emotional and Psychological Support: Facing domestic violence charges can be emotionally draining. We can also provide moral and psychological support during these trying times. We act as a steady hand throughout the tumultuous journey of the legal process.

What to Look for in a Legal Representative

  • Experience and Specialization: Choose a lawyer who specializes in domestic violence cases or criminal law. At Future First our experience in similar cases gives us an advantage to better handle your case.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial. Our lawyers will explain the complex legal jargon in understandable terms and keep you informed at every step of the process.
  • Reputation and Integrity: Please research their professional standing. We are reputable, experienced lawyers and  come highly recommended through client testimonials and legal peer reviews. Please visit our 5-Star Google Reviews.

The role of legal representation in domestic violence cases is more than just presenting arguments in court. It’s about ensuring that your story is heard, your rights are protected, and your case is treated with the seriousness it deserves. While the prospect of engaging a lawyer might seem daunting, the right legal help is invaluable in navigating these difficult waters. Remember, in the legal system, having a knowledgeable advocate on your side can make all the difference.

Don’t Let a Single Incident Define Your Future

The road ahead may seem daunting, but you don’t have to face it alone. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the consequences of domestic violence charges, remember that help is just a phone call away. Our dedicated legal team is here to support you every step of the way, offering guidance, experience, and unwavering advocacy in your time of need. Our lawyers will not only fight for the best possible outcome but also empower you with understanding and peace of mind throughout the process. Together, we’ll chart a course toward a brighter future, where hope and healing await. So don’t hesitate to reach out and take that first step toward reclaiming your life. You’re stronger than you know, and we’re here to help you realize your full potential.

 Schedule Your Free Consultation

Don’t let a Domestic Violence charge define your future. Take proactive steps now by scheduling a free consultation with our experienced legal team. Whether you’re grappling with the shock of a recent charge or seeking to mitigate the consequences of an impending case, our experts are equipped to guide you through the complexities of the legal system and advocate for the best possible outcome. Reach out today and take the first step toward securing a more favorable future. Your rights and your future are in capable hands. 


Important: The content of this post is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. For specific guidance tailored to your situation, please call us today to speak with an experienced member of our legal team.

Top-Rated Arizona Defense Lawyers Dedicated to DUI & Criminal Law

Positively Impacting Lives Through Effective Legal Advocacy

Future First Criminal Law is your top choice for strong DUI and Criminal defense representation. With a focus on a limited number of clients, we dedicate our full attention to each case, ensuring personalized and effective legal solutions.

Why Choose Us?

  • Client-Centric Approach: We understand your future is at risk and your well-being is our priority. We tailor our defense strategies to your unique circumstances, devoting time and attention to each client. We work diligently to develop a personalized, thorough defense giving you the best possible outcome.
  • Reasonable Flat-Fee Pricing: No hourly rates. Our flat fee is determined by the charge and the complexity of your case.
  • Flexible Payment Plans: We offer payment plans to accommodate your financial situation, ensuring access to quality legal representation.
  • Free Phone Consultations: Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case and explore your legal options. We’re here to help. Your future matters and it is worth fighting for.
  • Local Expertise and Experience: Serving exclusively in the Phoenix Area within Maricopa County, we bring in-depth knowledge of local laws and procedures to your case. Ranked the #112 fastest growing law firm in the U.S. in 2023, we have a proven track record of successful representation. For testimonials from satisfied clients, visit our Google Reviews.
  • Dedication to Defense: Our commitment to DUI & Criminal defense ensures we provide you with informed advocacy and steadfast representation.
  • Video Updates from Your Lawyer: Detailed, personalized video updates from your lawyer will address your concerns/questions.
  • 24/7 Case Support: Straightforward support from our legal team throughout your case. We are available via text, email or phone.
  • Educate and Advocate: We believe in empowering our clients by providing comprehensive legal guidance and unwavering support throughout the legal process.

Protect Your Rights, Schedule a Complimentary Phone Consultation

If you’re facing DUI or other Criminal charges in Arizona, it’s crucial to enlist the help of an experienced criminal lawyer. At Future First Criminal Law, we’re dedicated to safeguarding your rights and freedoms. Contact Us Today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards a successful defense.

Joshua Black - Attorney

GoogleReview “I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Divelbiss in the past and know him to be a hard working professional. His attention to detail and care for his clients set him apart from the rest!”



GoogleReview “⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 10 Stars first of all I want to say thanks to God for these great lawyers that help me in my DUI case I want to say thank you to Trevor for being 100% professional and their team of lawyers Andrea thank you Megan thank you. On the day of my court date I was really nervous but when I seen my lawyer Zach he was really professional give me good advise. I thought I was going to lose my job but Zach my lawyer help me reduce my jail sentence to less time I just want to say thank you for being so professional Zach great lawyer 100% I recommend him to anyone that needs help with their DUI cases and doesn’t matter what kind of DUI they will help you out a lot I will give them not only 10 Stars but a hundred more thank you future first criminal law I recommend them to anyone thank you.”




GoogleReview “Future First Criminal Law exceeded my expectations, on my first court appearance an old charge came up out of no where and the judge wasn’t going to let me leave. Ed got right on his phone and got it all cleared up! It is always best to have a private lawyer especially with criminal charges, the outcome will always be better and I highly recommend future first. Ed made a personal video breaking down my charges, the discovery, and my plea offer step by step. If you are questioning whether or not to get a lawyer, future first is the way to go 100%. You can’t put a price on freedom!! Thanks Ed!!!!”




GoogleReview “They helped me tremendously, I had some extreme charges for my DUI and assault case, they got me the best deal I could get. 1 day jail time. Based on what I couldve spent. They have a great team, they communicate well with you an guide you thru your entire ordeal. Ed Robinson was my lawyer. I highly recommend them!!”




GoogleReview “Future First Criminal Law is an excellent firm. They helped me out with a case I had. They are friendly throughout the whole process. They are professional, thorough, and I would definitely recommend them to anybody who’s in need of their services. They also allowed me to set up payment plans which was greatly appreciated. Working with them took a lot of stress, and weight off the whole situation. I just recently had them help me with my set aside as well. Thank you Future First Criminal Law.”



GoogleReview “Zach and his team were great! Right away after we spoke to Zach we felt a sense of relief from all of our worries and concerns. Being in a position to find an attorney isn’t always a fun thing to do. Thank you Zach and your entire firm for your constant updates and great communication. You never left us in the dark or wondering when we might have our questions answered. We will certainly refer your firm to anyone we know looking for your services. Thank you, for all your time and efforts for our case.”



GoogleReview “If I could rate Future First Crimal Law higher I would. After making the dumb mistake of getting a DUI they have been there for me every step of the way. There is nothing worse than going at this alone. You want someone in your corner during this stressful time and no one is better than Zach and his team there. They walk you through everything, keeps records of a what you need to do for the courts and sends it to them, and gets you the best case scenario sentence. Without them the consequences would’ve been much worse so very thankful to the team.”



GoogleReview “I am so grateful for the service I was given by all the Team of Future First Criminal Law and particularly Attorney ED Robinson, from the Day one of my appearances until the sentencing he was there encouraging me and the Defense he has taken on my behalf has made me more confident and all my stress and Depression was gone, I’m so thanks full for helping me in this terrible situation. I’ll be suggesting you to everyone in my situation. God Bless Future First Criminal Law; God Bless Attorney ED Robinson.”



GoogleReview “I would just like to express the life changing help and support I received from the legal team at Future First! The endless hours and resources spent by these legal professionals really made a significant impact on my life. I’m so grateful for the help of the legal system and experts whom treated my case like it was their own. I truly know that they can do the same for you! Thanks again to everyone at Future First, words can’t even begin to express my gratitude for getting me the best possible outcome! Happy holidays. I’m happy to be spending mine with friends and family while continuing to be a contributing member of society.”


Josephine Hallam - Attorney

GoogleReview “Attorney Divelbiss is bright, hard-working, and well-versed in criminal law. His legal writing is superb, and his commitment to his clients is outstanding. He will fight for you and offer you the best defense possible. Additionally, he is a pleasure to work with. I fully endorse this lawyer.”



GoogleReview “More than a year ago, I found myself in some serious legal trouble facing the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence. My fiancé, Jackie and I decided we needed a good attorney to help us maneuver through this difficult situation. We are not rich people and we were afraid that we would not be able to find a reliable and reputable firm at a price we could afford. We searched the internet and came across Future First Law Firm. When Jackie saw the high rating and many five star reviews she convinced me to give them a call. After a short conversation with Zach, we were both convinced we had found the right firm. It took over a year and several court appearances but Zach and his team stood by my side through it all and helped me get a great plea. It was a nerve-racking process, but Zach was always patient and ready to address any concerns we had. Thanks to Future First, we are excited about our plans for the future. If you find yourself in a legal mess, I highly recommend hiring Zach and his team.”



GoogleReview “This team are absolute rockstars!!! They resolved my legal endeavors in a timely & affordable manner. Not only did they do everything I needed…but they basically took the reins with no inconvenience to myself and were on the ball with every step. I highly recommend their expertise!”


Ryan Renauro - Criminal Defense Attorney

GoogleReview “I can’t say enough good things about Zachary. I have had the privileged to meet him through professional channels and he has helped me out a ton with the knowledge he possesses, his experience, and his kind heart and willingness to go the extra mile to help.”


Request a Free Phone Consultation

Thank you for visiting our blog! At Future First Criminal Law, we believe your future is worth protecting. Don’t wait—reach out to us today and let us help you secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Future First Criminal Law stands as a seasoned team of Criminal Defense Lawyers ready to assist with DUI and Criminal charges in the Phoenix Metro area in Arizona. Discover how our team can be instrumental in navigating through your legal challenges.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Empowering Defense Strategies for Individuals Accused of Domestic Violence


We Help Keep Good People Out Of Jail!