Future First Criminal Law

Arizona Lawyers Dedicated to DUI & Criminal Law

Positively Impacting Lives Through Effective Legal Advocacy

Top-Rated Arizona Defense Lawyers Dedicated to DUI and Criminal Law

Positively Impacting Lives Through Effective Legal Advocacy

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Unlocking Your Future: A Guide to Post-Conviction Relief in Arizona

Understanding Post-Conviction Relief: Clearing the Path Forward

Questions about Post Conviction Relief? Future First Criminal Law can Help!

Seal Your Record with Future First Criminal Law

Ready for an Opportunity to Change Your Story, Leave the Past Behind, and Open Doors to a Promising Future?

You Have Options! Did you know that in Arizona alone, more than 1.5 million individuals carry the weight of a criminal record? It’s a staggering statistic underscoring the pervasive impact of past mistakes on countless lives. Just envision the opportunities missed, the doors closed, and the dreams deferred because of these marks on their records. However, amidst this bleak landscape, there’s a beacon of hope: post-conviction relief. This legal remedy offers a chance to rewrite the narrative, to break free from the past, and to unlock new pathways to a brighter future. 

Imagine finally being able to apply for a job without the fear of your criminal record holding you back. Think about the possibility of securing housing, gaining professional licenses, and fully participating in your community without the stigma of a past conviction looming over you. Post-conviction relief in Arizona isn’t just about erasing a mark on your record; it’s about reclaiming your life and your future. It’s a vital step towards restoring your rights and opening doors to opportunities that were previously out of reach. Let’s explore how this powerful legal option can transform your life and provide a fresh start. Reach out to our experienced legal team today for a free phone consultation.

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The Benefits of Seeking Relief: Reclaiming Your Rights and Opportunities

Sealing Your Past, Securing Your Future: The Benefits of Post-Conviction Relief

In this section, we delve deeper into the tangible advantages of pursuing post-conviction relief. By exploring the multifaceted benefits, individuals can gain a clearer understanding of why seeking relief is crucial for reclaiming their rights and opportunities. While each option—early probation termination, set aside, and sealing records or expungement—aims to mitigate the impact of a criminal conviction, they offer distinct benefits:

  • Early Probation Termination:
    • Benefit: Allows individuals to terminate their probationary period early, enabling them to regain their freedom and autonomy sooner.
    • Advantage: Provides relief from the restrictions and supervision requirements associated with probation, allowing individuals to move on with their lives more quickly.
    • Impact: Offers immediate relief and the opportunity to resume normal activities without the constraints of probation.
  • Set Aside:
    • Benefit: Removes the conviction from the individual’s criminal record, essentially nullifying the guilty verdict.
    • Advantage: Provides a clean slate by eliminating the legal consequences and stigma associated with the conviction.
    • Impact: Offers long-term relief by restoring the individual’s rights and opportunities, such as the right to vote, serve on a jury, and possess firearms.
  • Sealing Records:
    • Benefit: Restricts access to certain criminal records, making them inaccessible to most members of the public, including employers and landlords.
    • Advantage: Protects individuals from the negative consequences of past mistakes by concealing them from public view.
    • Impact: Provides a second chance by allowing individuals to pursue employment, housing, and other opportunities without the hindrance of a visible criminal record.
  • Expungement:
    • Benefit: Completely removes the criminal record from public access, essentially erasing the past offense as if it never occurred.
    • Advantage: Offers the most comprehensive form of relief, ensuring that the conviction does not appear in background checks or public records.
    • Impact: Provides the highest level of relief by fully restoring the individual’s reputation and opportunities, allowing for a truly fresh start in all aspects of life.

In summary, early probation termination provides immediate relief from probationary requirements, set aside removes the conviction from the individual’s record, sealing records shields certain criminal records from public access, and expungement completely removes the criminal record. Each option offers individuals the chance to overcome the negative effects of past convictions and move forward with their lives.

Understanding the comprehensive benefits of post-conviction relief allows individuals to take crucial steps towards regaining their civil rights and accessing new job opportunities. This process helps restore your right to vote, serve on a jury, and pursue careers that require clean records, leading to better job security and higher income. By unlocking these doors, you don’t just erase past mistakes; you open up a world of possibilities for a brighter, more stable future. Note: Incorrectly submitting the application means an additional 3-year waiting period before you can reapply. 

Don’t let your past define your tomorrow. Contact Us Today to see how you can reclaim your rights and transform your life through post-conviction relief.

Navigating the Legal Landscape: Steps to Take and Pitfalls to Avoid

Charting Your Course: Navigating the Legal Maze of Post-Conviction Relief

Navigating the post-conviction relief process involves several critical steps and requires careful attention to avoid common pitfalls. This section will explore each stage of the process, highlight the necessity of skilled legal guidance, and emphasize how professional representation can maximize your chances of a successful outcome.

Early Probation Termination:

    • Eligibility: Determine if your situation meets the criteria for early probation termination, considering factors such as compliance with probation terms and the nature of the offense.
    • Documentation: Gather necessary documents, including probation records, proof of compliance, and any supporting evidence demonstrating rehabilitation or mitigating circumstances.
    • Application Process: Understand the requirements for submitting your request for early termination, ensuring all forms are completed accurately and submitted within the specified timeframe.
    • Hearings: Be prepared for potential hearings where you may need to present your case for early termination, highlighting reasons why termination would be appropriate and beneficial.
    • Expectations: Recognize that early probation termination is not guaranteed and may require patience and persistence throughout the process.
    • Avoiding Mistakes: Avoid common errors such as missing deadlines or failing to provide sufficient evidence to support your request.

Set Aside:

    • Eligibility: Determine if your conviction qualifies for set aside relief under Arizona law, considering factors such as the type of offense and completion of any sentencing requirements.
    • Documentation: Gather relevant documents, including court records, sentencing documents, and evidence of rehabilitation or mitigating circumstances.
    • Filing Process: Understand the requirements for filing a petition to set aside your conviction, ensuring all necessary forms are completed accurately and submitted within the designated timeframe.
    • Court Proceedings: Be prepared for potential court hearings where you may need to present your case for set aside relief, demonstrating reasons why setting aside the conviction is justified.
    • Timelines: Understand that the set aside process may take time and require patience, as court proceedings and decisions can vary in duration.
    • Avoiding Errors: Take care to avoid common mistakes such as missing deadlines or failing to provide complete and accurate information in your petition.

Sealing Records:

    • Eligibility: Determine if your criminal record is eligible for sealing under Arizona law, considering factors such as the nature of the offense and any applicable waiting periods.
    • Documentation: Collect relevant documents, including court records, arrest records, and proof of rehabilitation or mitigating circumstances.
    • Application Process: Understand the requirements for filing a petition to seal your criminal record, ensuring all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and submitted within the specified timeframe.
    • Court Hearings: Be prepared for potential court hearings where you may need to present your case for sealing your record, highlighting reasons why sealing would be in the interest of justice.
    • Patience: Recognize that the sealing process may take time and require patience, as court proceedings and decisions can vary in complexity and duration.
    • Avoiding Pitfalls: Take care to avoid common pitfalls such as missing deadlines or failing to provide sufficient evidence to support your petition.


    • Eligibility: Determine if your conviction qualifies for expungement under Arizona law, considering the type of offense.
    • Documentation: Gather relevant documents, including court records.
    • Filing Process: Understand the requirements for submitting a petition for expungement, ensuring all necessary forms are completed accurately and submitted on time.
    • Court Hearings: Be prepared for potential court hearings where you may need to present your case for expungement, explaining why erasing the conviction is justified.
    • Timelines: Recognize that the expungement process can be lengthy and may require significant patience and persistence.
    • Avoiding Errors: Take care to avoid common mistakes such as incomplete documentation or failing to meet all legal requirements.

Enlisting the help of our seasoned legal team experienced in Post-Conviction Relief to effectively navigate the process is essential. Note: Incorrectly submitting the application means an additional 3-year waiting period before you can reapply. Our dedicated legal team stands ready to assist you throughout the process, offering expert guidance and increasing your chances of a favorable outcome.

By meticulously following these steps and understanding the complexities of the legal system, individuals seeking post-conviction relief can effectively clear their names and embrace a future filled with opportunities. Engaging knowledgeable legal counsel is not just beneficial; it is often essential for those aiming to traverse this complicated legal landscape successfully.

Don’t navigate this complex process alone. Schedule a Free Consultation Today and take the first step toward reclaiming your rights and opportunities. Our experienced team is ready to guide you through every phase of the post-conviction relief process. Let us help you unlock a brighter future.

Why Legal Representation Matters: Advocating for Your Rights

Your Legal Ally: The Importance of Representation in Post-Conviction Relief

This section emphasizes the vital importance of securing experienced legal representation when seeking post-conviction relief. An experienced lawyer plays a pivotal role not only in navigating the legal system but also in effectively advocating for your rights.

  • Handling Paperwork and Deadlines: The process involves substantial paperwork, precise documentation, and strict deadlines. Legal professionals ensure all documents are correctly filed and all procedural timelines are met, which is vital for the success of your application. Note: Incorrectly submitting the application means an additional 3-year waiting period before you can reapply.
  • Deep Understanding of the Legal Framework: Lawyers who practice in post-conviction relief possess a thorough understanding of the complex laws and regulations that govern the process. This expertise is crucial for navigating the system efficiently and avoiding common pitfalls that could jeopardize your case.
  • Strategic Case Management: Experienced lawyers develop strategic approaches tailored to each client’s unique situation. They know how to present your case in the most favorable light, emphasizing rehabilitation, good conduct, and the positive changes you’ve made.
  • Representation in Court: If your case requires a court appearance, having a lawyer to represent your interests and articulate your case before the judge is indispensable. They speak the language of the court and can argue effectively on your behalf.
  • Mitigating Legal Risks: An experienced lawyer can foresee potential risks and legal obstacles and work to mitigate them before they become problematic. Their proactive approach can be the difference between success and failure.
  • Emotional Support and Confidence: Going through the post-conviction relief process can be stressful and emotionally draining. A dedicated lawyer provides not only legal support but also reassurance and confidence throughout the journey.
  • Maximizing Your Chances of Success: Ultimately, the goal of hiring legal representation is to increase your chances of achieving a favorable outcome. Lawyers experienced in this area bring a track record of success, offering you the best chance to have your rights restored.
  • Advocacy and Personalized Attention: A good lawyer advocates tirelessly for your interests. They provide personalized attention to your case, listening to your concerns, and addressing your specific needs and goals.

By illustrating the indispensable role of legal representation in post-conviction relief, individuals can understand why investing in a skilled lawyer is crucial for reclaiming their rights and ensuring the best possible outcome. 

Ready to unlock your future? Schedule a Free Consultation with our experienced legal team today and take the first step towards reclaiming your rights and opportunities. With our seasoned lawyers by your side, you have a powerful ally in your quest for justice and a new beginning. Let us help you navigate this journey with confidence and peace of mind. Please visit our 5-Star Google Reviews.

For more details on how to potentially clear your record in Arizona, please visit our Sealing Your Arizona Record page. 

Overcoming Common Concerns: Addressing Fears and Hurdles

Overcoming Fears About Seeking Post-Conviction Relief

Many individuals hesitate to seek post-conviction relief due to a variety of fears and misconceptions about the process. This section aims to dispel these fears, address common concerns, and offer reassurance and guidance to those considering this vital step towards restoring their rights.

  • Fear of Rejection: One of the most significant concerns is the fear of not succeeding in the attempt to clear one’s name. It’s important to understand that while not all applications are approved, a correctly handled case significantly increases the odds of success.
  • Complexity of Legal Procedures: The legal system can be daunting, with its complex rules and procedures. Many are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of paperwork and legal jargon. Professional legal guidance can simplify and demystify these processes.
  • Cost Concerns: Worries about the financial cost of seeking legal assistance can deter some individuals. However, the long-term benefits, such as increased employment opportunities and restoration of rights, often outweigh the initial investment.
  • Exposure of Past Mistakes: There is often a fear that seeking relief might bring unwanted attention to one’s past mistakes. It is crucial to remember that the goal of this process is rehabilitation and proving one’s commitment to a positive change.
  • Doubts About Eligibility: Many individuals assume they are not eligible without fully exploring their options. Legal experts can help evaluate your case and determine the best course of action.
  • Misinformation and Myths: Misunderstandings about what post-conviction relief can achieve can also cause hesitation. Clear, accurate information from a legal professional can replace fear with factual knowledge and realistic expectations.
  • Long-Term Implications: Some are concerned about the long-term implications of opening up their case. It’s vital to approach this with a full understanding of the potential outcomes and how they may impact your life.
  • Personal and Emotional Readiness: The decision to seek post-conviction relief is not only a legal journey but also an emotional one. Support from family, friends, and counseling professionals can be crucial in preparing for this step.

By addressing these concerns head-on, individuals can feel more confident and prepared to take the necessary steps towards clearing their record. Understanding that these hurdles are common and surmountable with the right support and guidance can transform apprehension into action.

Are you ready to move past your fears and take a step towards a brighter future? Contact Us Today for a Free Phone Consultation to discuss how we can assist you in overcoming the barriers to seeking post-conviction relief. Let’s tackle these challenges together and pave the way to restoring your rights and opportunities.

Embrace a Future Unbounded by the Past

As we’ve explored throughout this post, post-conviction relief isn’t merely about erasing the stigma of a past mistake—it’s about reopening doors to a life full of possibilities and dignity. By understanding and navigating the avenues available for post-conviction relief in Arizona, individuals can reclaim not only their rights but also their place in society, poised for success and active participation.

The journey of post-conviction relief is complex and laden with legal intricacies, but the rewards are profound. Regaining your civil rights, enhancing your employment prospects, and restoring your reputation are within reach. The path to a brighter, more promising future begins with informed decisions and strategic actions, underpinned by the guidance of those who understand the system’s deepest nuances.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Ready to step into a future unbounded by your past? Don’t let uncertainty keep you from the life you deserve. Schedule a free consultation with our experienced legal team today, and take the first step toward reclaiming your rights and opportunities. Together, we can navigate the complexities of post-conviction relief and pave the way toward a brighter, more fulfilling future. Start your journey toward freedom and full participation in life once more. 


Important: The content of this post is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. For specific guidance tailored to your situation, please call us today to speak with an experienced member of our legal team.

Top-Rated Arizona Defense Lawyers Dedicated to DUI & Criminal Law

Positively Impacting Lives Through Effective Legal Advocacy

Future First Criminal Law is your top choice for strong DUI and Criminal defense representation. With a focus on a limited number of clients, we dedicate our full attention to each case, ensuring personalized and effective legal solutions.

Why Choose Us?

  • Client-Centric Approach: We understand your future is at risk and your well-being is our priority. We tailor our defense strategies to your unique circumstances, devoting time and attention to each client. We work diligently to develop a personalized, thorough defense giving you the best possible outcome.
  • Reasonable Flat-Fee Pricing: No hourly rates. Our flat fee is determined by the charge and the complexity of your case.
  • Flexible Payment Plans: We offer payment plans to accommodate your financial situation, ensuring access to quality legal representation.
  • Free Virtual Phone Consultations: Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case and explore your legal options. We’re here to help. Your future matters and it is worth fighting for.
  • Local Expertise and Experience: Serving exclusively in the Phoenix Area within Maricopa County, we bring in-depth knowledge of local laws and procedures to your case. Ranked the #112 fastest growing law firm in the U.S. in 2023, we have a proven track record of successful representation. For testimonials from satisfied clients, visit our Google Reviews.
  • Dedication to Defense: Our commitment to DUI & Criminal defense ensures we provide you with informed advocacy and steadfast representation.
  • Video Updates from Your Lawyer: Detailed, personalized video updates from your lawyer will address your concerns/questions.
  • 24/7 Case Support: Straightforward support from our legal team throughout your case. We are available via text, email or phone.
  • Educate and Advocate: We believe in empowering our clients by providing comprehensive legal guidance and unwavering support throughout the legal process.

Protect Your Rights, Schedule a Complimentary Phone Consultation

If you’re facing DUI or other Criminal charges in Arizona, it’s crucial to enlist the help of an experienced criminal lawyer. At Future First Criminal Law, we’re dedicated to safeguarding your rights and freedoms. Contact Us Today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards a successful defense.

Joshua Black - Attorney

GoogleReview “I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Divelbiss in the past and know him to be a hard working professional. His attention to detail and care for his clients set him apart from the rest!”



GoogleReview “⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 10 Stars first of all I want to say thanks to God for these great lawyers that help me in my DUI case I want to say thank you to Trevor for being 100% professional and their team of lawyers Andrea thank you Megan thank you. On the day of my court date I was really nervous but when I seen my lawyer Zach he was really professional give me good advise. I thought I was going to lose my job but Zach my lawyer help me reduce my jail sentence to less time I just want to say thank you for being so professional Zach great lawyer 100% I recommend him to anyone that needs help with their DUI cases and doesn’t matter what kind of DUI they will help you out a lot I will give them not only 10 Stars but a hundred more thank you future first criminal law I recommend them to anyone thank you.”




GoogleReview “Future First Criminal Law exceeded my expectations, on my first court appearance an old charge came up out of no where and the judge wasn’t going to let me leave. Ed got right on his phone and got it all cleared up! It is always best to have a private lawyer especially with criminal charges, the outcome will always be better and I highly recommend future first. Ed made a personal video breaking down my charges, the discovery, and my plea offer step by step. If you are questioning whether or not to get a lawyer, future first is the way to go 100%. You can’t put a price on freedom!! Thanks Ed!!!!”




GoogleReview “They helped me tremendously, I had some extreme charges for my DUI and assault case, they got me the best deal I could get. 1 day jail time. Based on what I couldve spent. They have a great team, they communicate well with you an guide you thru your entire ordeal. Ed Robinson was my lawyer. I highly recommend them!!”




GoogleReview “Future First Criminal Law is an excellent firm. They helped me out with a case I had. They are friendly throughout the whole process. They are professional, thorough, and I would definitely recommend them to anybody who’s in need of their services. They also allowed me to set up payment plans which was greatly appreciated. Working with them took a lot of stress, and weight off the whole situation. I just recently had them help me with my set aside as well. Thank you Future First Criminal Law.”



GoogleReview “Zach and his team were great! Right away after we spoke to Zach we felt a sense of relief from all of our worries and concerns. Being in a position to find an attorney isn’t always a fun thing to do. Thank you Zach and your entire firm for your constant updates and great communication. You never left us in the dark or wondering when we might have our questions answered. We will certainly refer your firm to anyone we know looking for your services. Thank you, for all your time and efforts for our case.”



GoogleReview “If I could rate Future First Crimal Law higher I would. After making the dumb mistake of getting a DUI they have been there for me every step of the way. There is nothing worse than going at this alone. You want someone in your corner during this stressful time and no one is better than Zach and his team there. They walk you through everything, keeps records of a what you need to do for the courts and sends it to them, and gets you the best case scenario sentence. Without them the consequences would’ve been much worse so very thankful to the team.”



GoogleReview “I am so grateful for the service I was given by all the Team of Future First Criminal Law and particularly Attorney ED Robinson, from the Day one of my appearances until the sentencing he was there encouraging me and the Defense he has taken on my behalf has made me more confident and all my stress and Depression was gone, I’m so thanks full for helping me in this terrible situation. I’ll be suggesting you to everyone in my situation. God Bless Future First Criminal Law; God Bless Attorney ED Robinson.”



GoogleReview “I would just like to express the life changing help and support I received from the legal team at Future First! The endless hours and resources spent by these legal professionals really made a significant impact on my life. I’m so grateful for the help of the legal system and experts whom treated my case like it was their own. I truly know that they can do the same for you! Thanks again to everyone at Future First, words can’t even begin to express my gratitude for getting me the best possible outcome! Happy holidays. I’m happy to be spending mine with friends and family while continuing to be a contributing member of society.”


Josephine Hallam - Attorney

GoogleReview “Attorney Divelbiss is bright, hard-working, and well-versed in criminal law. His legal writing is superb, and his commitment to his clients is outstanding. He will fight for you and offer you the best defense possible. Additionally, he is a pleasure to work with. I fully endorse this lawyer.”



GoogleReview “More than a year ago, I found myself in some serious legal trouble facing the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence. My fiancé, Jackie and I decided we needed a good attorney to help us maneuver through this difficult situation. We are not rich people and we were afraid that we would not be able to find a reliable and reputable firm at a price we could afford. We searched the internet and came across Future First Law Firm. When Jackie saw the high rating and many five star reviews she convinced me to give them a call. After a short conversation with Zach, we were both convinced we had found the right firm. It took over a year and several court appearances but Zach and his team stood by my side through it all and helped me get a great plea. It was a nerve-racking process, but Zach was always patient and ready to address any concerns we had. Thanks to Future First, we are excited about our plans for the future. If you find yourself in a legal mess, I highly recommend hiring Zach and his team.”



GoogleReview “This team are absolute rockstars!!! They resolved my legal endeavors in a timely & affordable manner. Not only did they do everything I needed…but they basically took the reins with no inconvenience to myself and were on the ball with every step. I highly recommend their expertise!”


Ryan Renauro - Criminal Defense Attorney

GoogleReview “I can’t say enough good things about Zachary. I have had the privileged to meet him through professional channels and he has helped me out a ton with the knowledge he possesses, his experience, and his kind heart and willingness to go the extra mile to help.”


Request a Free Phone Consultation For Your Arizona Case

Thank you for visiting our blog! At Future First Criminal Law, we believe your future is worth protecting. Don’t wait—reach out to us today and let us help you secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Future First Criminal Law stands as a seasoned team of Criminal Defense Lawyers ready to assist with DUI and Criminal charges in the Phoenix Metro area in Arizona. Discover how our team can be instrumental in navigating through your legal challenges.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Unlocking Your Future: A Guide to Post-Conviction Relief in Arizona

Understanding Post-Conviction Relief: Clearing the Path Forward


We Help Keep Good People Out Of Jail!